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Ta'sirli bo'sh rolik

Kilomega manufactures customized rollers called impact idler rollers. Rollers are extremely crucial in assisting to move materials along conveyor belts. Many places use Konveyer bo'shliq for their good movement from one place to another, Most common places are factories and warehouses. These support wheels allow the conveyor belt to pass and keep things moving and make it easier to transfer various materials from point A to point B.  

Reducing Conveyor Belt Wear and Tear

So, over a period of time, conveyor belt these can become worn out and get damage. This is because they are frequently used to transport heavy objects and can be torn or stretched. When this happens, it requires more frequent belt replacement, which can be costly and time-consuming. This is where Kilomega's impact idler rollers can really help. These rollers roll up whenever there is a bump or impact, taking a little pressure off of the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt will be less subject to wear, and get less stress overall thanks to using these rollers, resulting in longer life and fewer repairs. 

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