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Conveyor Belt Systems Carry Idler have a rotating metal top. The carry idler supports the weight of the materials being produced from a conveyor belt which is in motion. This means if an idler is completely missing from a conveyor the belt will not be able to carry heavy loads such as rocks, coal or sand. The Kilomega Konveyer bo'shliq is one of the most important components in ensuring that a conveyor runs effectively and can handle every type of heavy-duty loads. 

How Important It Is To Select Perfect Carry Idler?

Various types of Carry Idlers are available, and the type you require will depend upon the carrying material in terms of weight and physical form. The perfect Kilomega Yuk ko'taruvchi rolik for your conveyor system can ensure the accurate and efficient service of it. If you happen to use a carry idler which does not have optimum load capacity, overburden may on breakdown or operational functionality might get hampered. We know this can cause problems for the logistics, delays or even accidents in transport products.

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