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No39, Huancheng West Road.Haishu.Ningbo, Хятад
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Торон чичиргээт дэлгэц

Seeking a healthy way to separate objects? Well, look no further, as Kilomega has the vibrating screens you were looking for! These special Kilomega Чичиргээт дэлгэцийн тор is made of a mesh material that shakes and vibrates, help pull apart various sized particles. So sorting is not only simpler, but faster too!


The shaking movement leads to smaller particles, when the materials are poured onto the mesh, fall through the holes in the mesh. The larger objects remain towards the top of the screen. Its smart design allows you to sort out materials quickly and easily, so the entire screening process is more efficient and effective. 

High-capacity sieving with mesh vibrating screen

They come in various mesh opening and screen sizes. This means you have a screen available that suits your specific needs best. Kilomega Ил уурхайн чичиргээт дэлгэцийн тор can handle so much material, and they do it well do you want to be supported by a solution from a Smart and Reliable partner for all your sorting needs?


What adds more to the utility of these vibrating screens is their ability to accommodate various types of materials. They can screen anything from big boulders to small powders. This means they can be applied in a variety of sectors that require the separation of various particle sizes and types. 

Why choose Kilomega Mesh vibrating screen?

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